poetsthought's Diaryland Diary


poem "Deserving"

Deserving --12.15.02 Sunday--

What do they mean...
When they say,
That you deserve the best?
All this time I was just trying to guess...

What is it that we deserve?
To be loved, to be held, to know all the rest;
To find hope, to reach dreams, life is all of these things;
But never complete until I realized...
That we all deserve the best,
And that we will never rest... without reaching our goal.

What do they mean...
When they say,
That you deserve the best?
All this time I was just trying to guess...

But now I see as you look at me...
That all that I was searching for...
All my hopes, all my dreams, I've found all of these things,
In the most unlikely place...
But now I can see that you are the best,
And are deserving to feel life's true test...
By just being the best... and letting all go...
And depending on these feelings we know.

What do they mean...
When they say,
That you deserve the best?
All this time I was just trying to guess...

What exactly you mean to me.
But all along, it was right in front of me.
And now I see the truth of it all,
And none are more deserving to fall...

See what they mean...
When they say,
That you deserve the best?
All this time I was just trying to guess...
Exactly what you mean to me...
So now I see what exactly they mean...

When they say,
That you deserve the best,
And all this time I was just trying to guess...
How deserving you are of me...
But then I was the one who didn't deserve all that you gave.
But now you show me,
How deserving I am of you...
And that life will and can be...
Deserving of me, too.

2:59 PM - 10.18.03 Saturday


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